GPTZero Software Pricing, Features & Reviews
What is GPTZero Software?
GPTZero is an online AI tool capable of detecting AI-generated content. It marks contents that are generated using an AI language model. This AI content detection tool uses a GPTZero classification model that is based on machine learning algorithms and determines whether the input document content is written with the help of language models like ChatGPT, GPT4, GPT-3.5, GPT3, GPT-J, LLAMA, and many others or not. It can detect AI-generated content at sentence, paragraph, and document levels.
GPTZero content detection model detects the content and gives output that summarizes burstiness analysis and perplexity testing score. It thus provides probabilities and statistics for the likelihood of the match with the AI content. It is available as an online web application and can be used as a Chrome extension. The Chrome extension helps in the instant detection of AI content while browsing. It is also available as a Microsoft Word plugin for Word users.
Critical features of GPTZero include the ability to detect various AI language models, a confidence rating for transparency, and the highlighting of AI-generated sentences. It also allows bulk file uploads, enabling bulk AI content detection for classroom files. Users can paste the content and get the results immediately.
Why Choose GPTZero?
It is a straightforward and effective tool that helps identify whether the content is human-generated or AI-generated. It flags AI content, marks sentences generated using AI, and thus, especially in educational scenarios, helps identify students using AI content generator tools. It also supports bulk detection capabilities that allow users to simultaneously run detection algorithms on multiple files.
Benefits of GPTZero AI
- It provides a simple way of using the tool, making it accessible to users.
- It gives results promptly, thus giving an idea of detection outcomes quickly.
- It offers an API integration facility allowing developers to use this tool for AI content detection in their applications.
- It is available as a Chrome extension and Microsoft Word plugin, enabling users to detect AI-generated content in their editing scenarios.
- Supports bulk detection capabilities, thus enabling users to process multiple files simultaneously.
GPTZero Pricing
GPTZero AI content detector pricing is available on request at
The overall pricing model is based on different factors such as personalization, extra features required, total users, and the deployment type. Please feel free to request a call from our product experts if you want to learn more about our subscription plans or premium package deals.