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Digital Transformation Challenges and The Role of Low Code No Code Platforms

Enterprises must navigate challenges related to skill sets, adaptability, and time-to-market in building numerous applications. This article delves into the hurdles faced by organizations and explores the role of low code no code platforms in offering potential solutions, with a specific focus on Kissflow.

Digital transformation is a term we encounter frequently, but what does it truly mean? Studies estimate that enterprises will create 700 million new applications by 2025, highlighting the significant and complex nature of this transformation.

Challenges in Digital Transformation

  1. Skill Set Requirements: Building applications demands highly skilled developers, posing a challenge in finding and retaining talent.
  1. Adaptability and Change Management: Rapid changes in business requirements necessitate quick adaptations. Lengthy development cycles result in outdated solutions upon delivery.
  1. Time-to-Market: Traditional development methods take several months to years to deliver large-scale applications, delaying business value realization.

Organizations can choose between off-the-shelf solutions (COTS) and custom development for digital transformation, each with its own advantages and limitations. Let’s see the differences between Commercial off-the-shelf solutions (COTS) and custom development for digital transformation as each of them has its own advantages and limitations.

Traditional Approaches: COTS vs. Custom Development

FactorsCommercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) SolutionsCustom Development
Time-to-MarketFaster deployment as the product is already developed and ready for use.Must rely on vendors to maintain compliance and security standards.
CustomizationGenerally limited to the options provided by the vendor.Highly customizable to fit exact business needs.
CostInitial costs may be lower, and pricing is often clear and upfront.Potentially higher upfront costs due to custom development efforts.
ScalabilityMay not be as scalable if the business outgrows the capabilities of the software.Can be designed to be scalable according to future needs.
Dependence on VendorHigh dependence on the vendor for updates, support, and customization.Independence from vendors, with in-house control of the software.
IntegrationCould have issues with integration if not compatible with existing systems.Can be built to integrate seamlessly with existing systems.
Upgrades and MaintenanceSubject to vendor’s schedule and priorities for updates and fixes.Controlled internally, with flexibility in scheduling upgrades and maintenance.
SupportVendor-provided, which can vary in quality and responsiveness.Can be tailored to the business’s needs, potentially offering better and more knowledgeable support.
Compliance and SecurityMust rely on vendor to maintain compliance and security standards.Can ensure compliance and security standards are met and maintained.
Long-Term CostsCan be higher over time due to licensing fees, especially if scaling is necessary.Typically higher initial investment, but could be lower over time as there are no licensing fees.
Proprietary ConstraintsBound by the vendor’s terms and conditions, which can limit usage and flexibility.No proprietary constraints; the business owns the software.

The Role of Low Code No Code Platforms

The role of low code no code platforms in digital transformation is transformative. Low code no code solutions offer a middle ground, allowing faster application development with customization options, reducing the need for highly skilled developers, and speeding up time to market.

Here are the advantages of Low Code No Code Platforms:

  • Customization: Allows tailored solutions without extensive coding expertise.
  • Speed: Offers pre-built templates and drag-and-drop interfaces for rapid application development.
  • Reduced Skill Set Requirements: Enables collaboration between business stakeholders and IT, utilizing simpler tools.

Kissflow: A Leading Low Code No Code Platform

Key Features of Kissflow:

  • Simplicity: Intuitive SAS-based platform ensuring ease of use for IT, business users, and citizen developers.
  • Accessibility: Seamless experience across devices, promoting efficiency and user adoption.

Addressing Common Concerns:

  • Technical Expertise: Advanced drag-and-drop techniques empower business users to create applications without coding knowledge.
  • Security and Governance: Robust governance module offering granular control over processes, data, and user access. Detailed audit logs ensure transparency and accountability.


Low-code no-code platforms like Kissflow offer a transformative solution to the challenges faced in digital transformation. By bridging the gap between customization, speed, and simplicity, these platforms empower organizations to embrace the future of digitalization seamlessly. Embracing these innovative solutions can pave the way for enterprises to evolve, adapt, and thrive in the ever-changing digital landscape.