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Multiple ayanamsas
Gives different ayanamsa options for accurate astrological calculations and interpretations.
North or South Indian Kundali
Generate Kundali using either North or South Indian styles for detailed horoscope readings.
Divisional charts
Access divisional charts like Navamsa, Saptamsha, Dashamsha, and Shastamsha for astrological analysis.
House and planet cusps tables
View detailed house and planet cusps tables for accurate horoscope interpretations.
Planet house aspects
Analyze planet house aspects, including conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions.
4 level Vimshottari Dasha
Understand life influences through the Dasha, Bhukti, Antara, and Sukshma periods in Dasha analysis.
Multiple Language
Supports various languages, making astrological charts accessible and understandable.
Set Default Location
Save default locations for quick, consistent horoscope generation and analysis.
Dark and light themes
Switch between dark and light themes for a smooth user experience, day or night.
Print Management
Effortlessly generate & organize personalized astrological reports for your clients.
Brand Name | RVA |
Information | RVA |
Founded Year | 1980 |
Director/Founders | RVA |
Company Size | 1-100 Employees |
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