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Portfolio Management
InvestPlus works as a single platform to manage all the financial portfolios of the investor. From loans to insurance to SIPs,
Bank Reconciliation
Investors can directly import their bank reconciliation statements for all the investments through this portfolio management
Full Cycle Book Keeping
The software allows users to manage bookkeeping for the entire financial term efficiently.
Investors can schedule investments, meetings with brokers, report generation, etc.
Financial Goals
This portfolio management software enables investors to set financial goals and make the investments accordingly.
Ledger Keeping
InvestPlus allows investors to manage their ledger records accurately. It records every single change or advancement in their
Accounting Module
The software helps make personalized bookkeeping easy. It records every transaction and maintain all the details of accounting
Financial Analysis and Reports
Investors can check whether they have achieved their financial goals by the end of the term, and it provides minute details to
Asset Management
The portfolio management solution provides a clearer picture of all the assets and their reports regarding depreciation,
Loan Management
Investors can also manage their loans with this software. It generates reminders for due payments on monthly basis and records it
Insurance Management
InvestPlus makes it easy for the investors to keep tabs on their regular investment related payments. It covers all the basic
Stock Management
The software allows investors to manage their stock investments and check their prices regularly. It can directly import broker
Mutual Fund Investment
Investors are not required to import data externally from mutual fund It automatically manages SIP records and ledger accounts
Special Features
The software offers features to plan and schedule different investments.
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“Quick and User-friendly support. All my expectations were met.” Lalit Yadav - Aug 1, 2018
“No billing GST tds reconciliation staff HR attendance and Prof tax.” Siddharth Rajkumar - Jan 25, 2024
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