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₹ 7500GPS Tracking
In-app GPS functionality and third-party rider integration help with real-time location tracking.
Menu Management
Restaurants can add, edit and delete food items from their menu as per the requirement.
Order Management System
Uengage Brand App helps with accurate order management and tracking.
Schemes & Offers
Restaurants can decide upon long term/limited period schemes and offers.
Payment Options
Uengage Brand App is compatible with multiple payment gateways, facilitating seamless customer convenience.
Referral Marketing
Users can generate referral document related push notifications for their existing customers.
Real-time delivery updates assure seamless communication between customers and restaurants.
Customer Feedback
Restaurants can generate customer feedback directly through the app.
Mobile App
Dedicated apps for food order management and grocery delivery.
Performance Analysis
Campaign specific reports help with detailed analysis of business performance.
An intuitive dashboard helps with customer wise behaviour management and personalised campaign monitoring.
Restaurants can generate feedback from every customer and drive insights.
Cart Flow
Real-time notifications on items added/abandoned cart and last-minute changes are of great help.
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