Showing 1- 10 of 110 questions
To make an image background transparent in Google Docs, follow the steps given below:
To save a Google Doc as a JPEG, follow the steps given below:
To make a high-resolution jpeg follow the steps given below:
To identify a GIF file, follow the steps given below:
To know if your AirPrint is enabled, you can check on Apple’s official site. Apple stores a list of all the AirPrint devices; if your device’s name is listed, it means that your device is enabled; otherwise, it's not.
To make text curve in word follow the steps given below:
To make a file size smaller follow the steps given below:
To print the exact size in inches, follow the steps given below:
To make an image blurry in Google Slides follow the steps given below:
To trigger full screen on keyboard press F11 for Windows and Control + Cmd + F for Mac.
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