Vama Infotech Private Limited is an unlisted company that was incorporated on 04 Aug 2000. It is a more than 22-year-old private c... Read More
Vama Infotech Private Limited is an unlisted company that was incorporated on 04 Aug 2000. It is a more than 22-year-old private company, and its current status is active. It is in the business of consultancy, software publishing, production, supply, and documentation of different types of software.
The authorized capital of Vama Infotech is ₹ 9.0 L, and the paid-up capital is ₹ 0.009 L. The CIN (corporate identification number) of this company is U72200TG2000PTC035056 and is registered under the number - 35056.
It is located in Hyderabad and its registered company address is 201, Sri Sai Darsan Residency,7-1-408 To 413 Balkampet Rd., Ameerpt, Hyderabad-500016, Telangana, India.
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Submit ReviewsWhat's the CIN number of Vama Infotech Pvt. Ltd.?
The Corporate Identification Number of Vama Infotech is U72200TG2000PTC035056.
What is the establishment date of Vama Infotech Pvt. Ltd.?
Vama Infotech Pvt Ltd was incorporated on 04 Aug 2000.
Where is Vama Infotech Pvt. Ltd. located?
The registered office of Vama Infotech Pvt. Ltd is in Hyderabad, Telangana. The address is 201, Sri Sai Darsan Residency,7-1-408 To 413 Balkampet Rd., Ameerpt, Telangana, India.
What type of company is Vama Infotech Pvt. Ltd.?
Vama Infotech is an unlisted private company.What is the registration number of Vama Infotech Pvt. Ltd.?
What is the registration number of Vama Infotech Pvt. Ltd.?
Vama Infotech private limited is registered under the number - 35056.
What does Vama Infotech Pvt. Ltd. do?
Vama Infotech is into the business of consultancy, software publishing and supply. This includes production, documentation, and supply of different non-customized software.
What is the company size of Vama Infotech Pvt. Ltd.?
Vama Infotech Pvt Ltd has 1-100 employees in the organization.
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