Sestek has been a global provider of Speech Enabled Smart Technologies since 2000. The company draws its strength from its patente... Read More
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Sestek has been a global provider of Speech Enabled Smart Technologies since 2000. The company draws its strength from its patented technologies, pioneering role in the collaboration between academia and industry, and growing clientele from various areas of business. The performance and stability of Sestek’s technologies and its flexibility in tailoring solutions to customers’ needs provide this fast-growing company with a unique advantage over its competitors. Sestek’s state-of-the-art products include Speech Analytics, Voice Biometrics, Text-to-Speech, Natural Dialog, Virtual Assistant, and Chatbot.
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TALKDESK| CloudTalk| Callminer | Observe AI| Verint Systems| Enthu AI| Justcall| Convin AI| Voyc| VoiceBase|
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