Quark Software Inc. was founded in Denver, Colo. in 1981 with the mission to reinvent how content creators and creative profession... Read More
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“Outstanding customer service from Techjockey support team.”
Ravi Kumar - May 21, 2018
“Since I initially utilized this product in school (which was more than some time prior) in spite of the fact that it has changed and advanced as I would see it has was constantly the best format creation device there is. I've utilized it throughout the years expertly over a wide range of activities and specialties and even by and by to make materials for the children's soccer crews and so on. Furthermore, client administration dependably has been genuinely choice, something that is progressively uncommon nowadays.”
Ghanshyam Sah - Nov 13, 2018
Ravi Kumar - May 21, 2018
Quark Software Inc. was founded in Denver, Colo. in 1981 with the mission to reinvent how content creators and creative professionals bring their visions to life. Over the past 30+ years, our solutions have made an indelible mark on the processes for creating high-fidelity, engaging and omnichannel content. Today, with the leading content automation platform, Quark infuses automation into every stage of the creation, management, publishing, and delivery of today’s most important content. Quark’s vision: leverage automation to transform the entire lifecycle of business-critical content to make the world’s most innovative organizations more efficient, more effective, and more competitive.
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Adobe| Movavi | Wondershare | QuarkXPress| Wonder Idea Technology| Marq| Xara Designer Pro| BeLight Software| Microsoft Corporation| Serif|
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