Pipefy is a cloud-based business process management platform that empowers managers to build and execute any type of workflow. Thr... Read More
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“I can improve my customer on boarding process experience daily basis. I think the power you have of having a timeline of what happened to each customer, who helped, when, etc, gives you enough data to improve your process.”
Vikas - Sep 13, 2018
“I strongly recommend you do use this service.”
Mohd Israr - Oct 15, 2018
“Great company! Excellent customer service and just generally smooth sailing. Would highly recommend.”
Susmit Pal - Oct 22, 2018
Mohd Israr - Oct 15, 2018
Susmit Pal - Oct 22, 2018
Pipefy is a cloud-based business process management platform that empowers managers to build and execute any type of workflow. Through a simple Kanban-style interface companies can achieve process excellence without the need for IT, technical skills or professional services. Pipefy fully customizable platform helps teams attain higher levels of productivity and efficiency by setting clear execution standards for every step of each process.
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Complia Health | ZAPIER| Kofax Inc.| Aarvi Technology| Ezee Digital Solutions| Quickwork| Asana | Atlassian| Pipefy | ProWorkflow|
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