Osmose Technology, a private limited company was established on 24th December 2019, with a registration number of 188640. It’s a... Read More
Osmose Technology, a private limited company was established on 24th December 2019, with a registration number of 188640. It’s a non-govt IT company having a CIN number of U72900PN2019PTC188640 and a registered office in Pune, Maharashtra.
The paid-up capital for Osmose Technology Pvt Ltd is Rs. 10,000.00, while the company's authorized share capital is Rs. 5,000,000. Osmose Technology Private Limited's status is currently active. Additionally, it is said that the company's most recent annual general meeting (AGM) took place on 31st December 2020 and the balance sheet was submitted on 31st March 2020.
This company offers different services like database services, digital marketing services, system support, social networking services, social media services, and more. The company's email address is osmosetech21@gmail.com.
Vishal Sarjerao Mahind and Vikram Madhukar Patil are the two active directors of Osmose Technology Private Limited.
The current company status of Osmose Technology Private Limited is active.
The CIN number (Corporate Identification Number) of Osmose Technology Private Limited is U72900PN2019PTC188640.
Osmose Technology’s official address is 4D/E, S.No. 17/1B, P.No. 14, Devgiri Area, Kothrud, Pune, Maharashtra, 411038, India
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Submit ReviewsWhat is the establishment date of Osmose Technology Private Limited?
Osmose Technology Private was incorporated on December 24, 2019.
What is the paid up and authorized capital of Osmose Technology Private Limited?
The total authorized capital of Osmose Technology Private Limited is Rs. 5,000,000 and the paid-up capital is Rs. 10,000.00.
What type of company is Osmose Technology Private Limited?
Osmose Technology is a private limited company.
What is the email id of Osmose Technology Private Limited?
Osmose Technology’s official email address is osmosetech21@gmail.com.
What is the registration number of Osmose Technology Private Limited?
Osmose Technology Private Limited is registered under the number 188640.
What does Osmose Technology Private Limited do?
Osmose Technology Private Limited offers services including database services, system support, digital marketing services, social media services, etc.
What is the company size of Osmose Technology Private Limited?
There are a total of 11-50 employees working at Osmose Technology Private Limited.
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