D’soft Infotech is a software product company with more than 500+ man-years of IT experience and 20+ years of rich insights into... Read More
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“I was provided with the relevant software choices based on the size and projected growth of my company. The short list of companies provided helped to appropriately narrow the field and move to a good result in our software selection”
Shiva Roy - Aug 30, 2017
“Excellent service. Very trustworthy software at lowest cost. Highly recommended.”
Firoj Honda - Sep 6, 2017
“The software helped me to keep track of all my earnings on a day to day basis, with its advanced report generating feature. I was able to make the necessary changes and take my business to a new level.”
Rajesh Mitra - Apr 13, 2020
Shiva Roy - Aug 30, 2017
Firoj Honda - Sep 6, 2017
“The software offers reports that are written in English, making it a bit difficult to understand for certain users. It would have been more useful if it starts supporting certain regional languages as well.”
Rajesh Mitra - Apr 13, 2020
D’soft Infotech is a software product company with more than 500+ man-years of IT experience and 20+ years of rich insights into the jewellery industry. The age-old jewellery industry of India has been recently undergoing a revolutionary transformation. The industry stands on the foundation of trust and relationships, but now in the recent years, in the advent of globalisation and growing information technology, the jewellery industry too is adapting professionalism. With this paradigm shift, the industry was in dire need of technological solutions to handle the business management. Unlike other manufacturing or retail industries, jewellery industry is very complex in nature and as the highly priced materials is involved, prudent technologies solutions become imperative.
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ElenSoft| Dsoft| Oozee| GatiSoft| Reach | AuroMine| MarvelSoft | Modern Webz | San Software Global Pvt. Ltd.| Citta Solutions|
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