Linen Tech is a comprehensive large and medium scale industrial and commercial laundry operations management software. The softwar... Read More
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“In a labor intensive business, it gives us the ability to scale. More efficient communications with our customers that is beneficial to them and us”
Nishant Kumar - Mar 24, 2018
“They narrowed down our options and saved hours of my time.”
David Kharsati - Sep 18, 2017
“I ordered a software from Techjockey. I expected it to come in the form of a CD to download. In fact, having queried this, I received a phone call explaining that I would simply have to download a code. Well I did and the downloading process was totally idiot proof. The customer service is excellent and I would recommend Techjockey to anyone.”
Rama Chauhan - Sep 25, 2017
David Kharsati - Sep 18, 2017
Rama Chauhan - Sep 25, 2017
Linen Tech is a comprehensive large and medium scale industrial and commercial laundry operations management software. The software completely simplifies management operations of laundries serving hotel, restaurant, and healthcare industries. Linen Tech software is really a one stop shop for a laundry’s client management, billing and financials, production control, inventory management, productivity tracking, record keeping and much more.
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