Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd. is an active private company that was officially incorporated on 25th September 2017. It comes under t... Read More
Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd. is an active private company that was officially incorporated on 25th September 2017. It comes under the category of a company limited by shares that owns an authorized share capital of ₹100,000 and a paid-up share capital of ₹100,000.
The private company is officially managed by two board of directors Rajendar Kolagani and Ajay Golanakonda. It deals with business activities categorized under the Not Elsewhere Classified N.E.C business category. Recently, the company had its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 29th November 2021 and filed its last balance sheet on 31st March 2021, according to the records available from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).
Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd.’s official Corporate Identification Number, CIN is U74999TG2017PTC119729 and its official registration number is 119729. You can reach out to the teams at Leadlyf through their registered email id: leadlyfcompany@gmail.com. The company is headquartered at 3-9-247/B Reddy Colony, Hanamakonda, Hyderabad, Telangana- 506001 India.
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Submit ReviewsWhat's the CIN number of Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd.?
The unique Corporate Identification Number, CIN of Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd. is U74999TG2017PTC119729.
Who are the directors/founders of Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd.?
There are currently two directors that are managing Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd. - Rajendar Kolagani and Ajay Golanakonda.
What is the establishment date of Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd.?
Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd. was established on 25th September 2017.
What is the paid up and authorized capital of Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd.?
Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd. has a paid up capital of ?100,000 and an authorized capital of ?100,000.
Where is Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd. located?
Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd. is located in the city of Hyderabad in Telangana.
What type of company is Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd.?
Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd. is a private company limited by shares with an active status.
What is the email id of Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd.?
The registered email id of Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd. is leadlyfcompany@gmail.com.
What is the registration number of Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd.?
As per records, the registration number of Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd. is 119729.
What does Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd. do?
Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd. is involved in business activities that come under the category of N.E.C., Not Elsewhere Classified.
What is the company size of Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd.?
The company size of Leadlyf Marketing Pvt. Ltd. is 1-100 employees.
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