Kinney International Private Limited is an unlisted company that was incorporated on 10th March 2017. It has an active status and ... Read More
Kinney International Private Limited is an unlisted company that was incorporated on 10th March 2017. It has an active status and classifies itself as a non-govt company with an authorized capital of ₹100,000 as well as the paid up capital of ₹100,000. The company is involved in N.E.C, Not Elsewhere Classified business activities.
The last AGM, Annual General Meeting of Kinney International Private Limited was conducted on 30th September 2021, as per the records from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). Also, the company’s last balance sheet was filed on 31st March, 2021.
Kinney International’s registration number is 314268 and its CIN Corporate Identification Number is U74999DL2017PTC314268. Currently, the organization is headed by two directors, Bhiku Bisoyi and Nisha Kashyap.
You can contact the professionals at Kinney International through its registered email id,, and registered address: Property no-94, 3rd Floor, Block-B Sector-13, Dwarka New Delhi 110075, India.
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Submit ReviewsWhat's the CIN number of Kinney International?
The unique Corporate Identification Number, CIN of Kinney International is U74999DL2017PTC314268.
Who are the directors/founders of Kinney International?
There are currently two directors that are managing Kinney International: Bhiku Bisoyi & Nisha Kashyap.
What is the establishment date of Kinney International?
Kinney International was established on 10th March 2017.
What is the paid up and authorized capital of Kinney International?
Kinney International has the paid up capital of ?100,000 and an authorized capital of ?1,000,000.
Where is Kinney International located?
Kinney International is located in Delhi, India.
What type of company is Kinney International?
Kinney International is a Private company limited in terms of shares with an active status.
What is the email id of Kinney International?
The registered email id of Kinney International is
What is the registration number of Kinney International?
As per the records, the registration number of Kinney International is 314268.
What does Kinney International do?
Kinney International is involved in N.E.C, Not Elsewhere Classified business activities.
What is the company size of Kinney International?
The company size of Kinney International is 1-100 employees.
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