Founded on April 1, 2019; Kaak Economic Marketing Private Limited is a private, unlisted corporation. Situated in Mumbai (Maharash... Read More
Founded on April 1, 2019; Kaak Economic Marketing Private Limited is a private, unlisted corporation. Situated in Mumbai (Maharashtra), it is categorized as a private limited corporation. Both the paid-up capital and the authorized capital of Kaak Economic Marketing Pvt Ltd is Rs. 1 Lac. Currently, its status is active and is registered under the 323487 number. The Corporate Identification Number for this company is U74999MH2019PTC323487.
The name of two directors who are managing Kaak Economic Marketing Private Limited are Kailas Ashok Kakade and Mandakini Kishor Kakade. Its registered office is in Mumbai, Maharashtra. And its address is 203, Natakwala Lane, Near Murd Kishore Building, TPS III, Orchid Plaza, Borivali, Mumbai, Maharashtra.
According to reports, Kaak Economic Marketing Private Limited's most recent Annual General Meeting took place on December 31, 2020. Additionally, it has also prepared its balance sheet until March 31, 2020.
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Submit ReviewsWhat's the CIN number of Kaak Economic Marketing Private Limited?
The corporate identification number (CIN) of Kaak Economic Marketing Private Limited is U74999MH2019PTC323487.
Who are the directors/founders of Kaak Economic Marketing Private Limited?
The active directors of Kaak Economic Marketing Pvt Ltd are Mandakini Kishor Kakade & Kailas Ashok Kakade.
What is the establishment date of Kaak Economic Marketing Private Limited?
Kaak Economic Marketing Private Limited was incorporated on 1st April 2019, which makes it a 3+-year-old company.
What is the paid up and authorized capital of Kaak Economic Marketing Private Limited?
The authorized capital, as well as the paid-up capital of Kaak Economic Marketing Pvt Ltd, is Rs. 1L.
Where is Kaak Economic Marketing Private Limited located?
The office of Kaak Economic Marketing Pvt Ltd is in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Its registered office is located at 203, Natakwala Lane, Near-Murd Kishore Building, TPS III, Orchid Plaza, Borivali (W), Mumbai, Maharashtra.
What type of company is Kaak Economic Marketing Private Limited?
Kaak Economic Marketing Private Limited is an Unlisted, Private Company.
What is the email id of Kaak Economic Marketing Private Limited?
To reach out to the teams at Kaak Economic Marketing Pvt Ltd, you can email at
What is the registration number of Kaak Economic Marketing Private Limited?
The company registration number of Kaak Economic Marketing Pvt Ltd is 323487.
What does Kaak Economic Marketing Private Limited do?
Kaak Economic Marketing Private Limited is in the real estate and renting business.
What is the company size of Kaak Economic Marketing Private Limited?
The company size of Kaak Economic Marketing Pvt Ltd is between 1-100 employees.
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