JetBrains, code is our passion. For over 15 years company have strived to make the strongest, most effective developer tools on ea... Read More
Highly Recommended
Overall Score
“YouTrack has been a great software for our remote team. The software enables us to keep track of assignments and stay updated no matter where we are. Further, the notifications ensure that nothing slips through the cracks.”
Nishikant Bawankule - Sep 4, 2024
“The platform’s task management and assignment features have helped us stay updated on our team’s progress, regardless of where they are.”
Rajan Hora - Sep 4, 2024
“YouTrack makes it easy to monitor tasks and set deadlines. Further, it offers the ability to track time spent on various activities. Also, the integration with our other tools has made it easier for the team to collaborate together on different projects.”
Rohit Kanojiya - Jul 18, 2024
“The setup was a bit complicated initially.”
Nishikant Bawankule - Sep 4, 2024
“The setup process was not as easy as expected.”
Rajan Hora - Sep 4, 2024
“One area where YouTrack could improve is the search feature. ”
Rohit Kanojiya - Jul 18, 2024
“As a real user of PyCharm, I have found that this IDE offers numerous advantages and useful features to make programming in Python easier. One of the most positive aspects of PyCharm is its ability to improve productivity and efficiency, thanks to features like intelligent code completion, fast file and class navigation, and automated refactoring.
Among the best features of PyCharm is its powerful debugger, which makes it easy to identify and fix problems in your code. Plus, native integration with version control systems like Git, Mercurial, and SVN makes it easy to track and collaborate on development projects.”
Owen Henry - May 24, 2023
“Although PyCharm is a powerful and comprehensive IDE for Python development, it also has some not-so-positive aspects that users might find unfavorable. First of all, PyCharm can be a bit heavier in terms of system resources compared to other lightweight IDEs, which could result in slower performance, especially on computers with less powerful hardware.
Also, the learning curve to get the most out of all of PyCharm's features and functions can be a bit steep for beginning developers or those used to simpler development environments. Lastly, while the Community version of PyCharm is free, some advanced features are only available in the paid Professional version, which could be a drawback for those looking for a totally free solution.”
Owen Henry - May 24, 2023
JetBrains, code is our passion. For over 15 years company have strived to make the strongest, most effective developer tools on earth. By automating routine checks and corrections, the developed tools help speed up production, freeing developers to grow, discover and create.
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