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4.6 (Based on all products)

Instasafe Technologies is a leading Cloud based Security-as-a-Service solution provider delivering comprehensive and uncompromisin... Read More

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Instasafe Products


4.7 /5


4.5 /5

Instasafe Reviews & Rating


Highly Recommended

Overall Score

Based on 8 Reviews
  • Instasafe Secure Access
  • SafeHats Bug Bounty


prosicon “I was curious and put a "feeler" out there and was contacted the next day. They asked a few questions and put me in touch with 2 companies tailor made to what would fit for our company. Good experience.” ROCKEY SHARMA - Sep 6, 2018

prosicon “I was looking for a software solution and contacted Techjockey. WOW! In an hour I had 6 or so software companies contacting me. Some were too complicated for what I needed, some were too simple,(and the companies were absolutely great about understanding what I was looking for) and two were JUST RIGHT. We will decide on one of them shortly. Steve was a huge help. It was a very good experience!” Umesh Mulrajani - Sep 13, 2018

prosicon “It's an entirely standard VPN apparatus utilized when I telecommute, I like that it for the most part is quite predictable and has a decent association ” Pradeep Kamal Mandal - Jan 15, 2019


consicon “N/A” ROCKEY SHARMA - Sep 6, 2018

consicon “N/A” Umesh Mulrajani - Sep 13, 2018


prosicon “I had a good experience with this service. I found it very convenient to have a list of possibilities presented to me instead of searching all over the place.” Anju - Sep 7, 2018

prosicon “serious value products and extremely fast reponse time to my queries would recommend to anyone.?” Mukund Bubna - Sep 14, 2018

prosicon “SafeHats Bug Abundance stages help endeavors to associate with many profoundly talented security specialists to lead hostile application security testing. ” Rakesh - Jan 14, 2019


consicon “N/A” Anju - Sep 7, 2018

consicon “N/A” Mukund Bubna - Sep 14, 2018

Instasafe Overview

Instasafe Technologies is a leading Cloud based Security-as-a-Service solution provider delivering comprehensive and uncompromising protection to mobile and remote workers enabling them to safely and securely access enterprise apps, email and web from anywhere on any network. Unlike appliance based solutions Instasafe offers a hardware free, zero configuration, self-service style, fully redundant Security-as-Service which could be deployed in minutes with comprehensive reporting. InstaSafe has been recognized as one of the top enterprise emerging companies by Nasscom in its ‘Emerge 50 initiative’, 3 times winner of the CIO Choice awards, and has been a winner of the IBM Global Entrepreneurship program and incubated by Microsoft Ventures & Citrix Accelerators. 

Instasafe Details

  • . Location: San Francisco, Walnut, CA
  • . Found Year: 2012
  • . Industry: Computer and Network Security
  • . Company Size: 101-500 Employees
  • . Founder: Sandip Panda

Instasafe FAQ’s

What type of company is Instasafe? alt

Instasafe is an IT solutions provider that caters to the process automation needs of millions of businesses in India with Identity Access Management Software and Testing Automation Software.

What does Instasafe do? alt

Instasafe provides customized and scalable Identity Access Management Software and Testing Automation Software, which is transforming business processes across industries. Its team of experts makes IT solutions implementation and usage quite simple.

Is Instasafe an Indian company? alt

Instasafe is headquartered in San Francisco, Walnut, CA and is playing a significant role in the digitization of Indian businesses with Identity Access Management Software and Testing Automation Software.

What is Instasafe’s main product? alt

Instasafe primarily deals in Identity Access Management Software and Testing Automation Software and caters to personalized business needs with diverse modules.

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