Sham Somani is the Director of Feepayr. What is the current status of Feepayr? The current company status for Feepayr is active. ... Read More
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Feepayr is a private company incorporated in the year 2016. The operating status of the company is active. As per record, Feepayr revenue is over INR 405 million. Feepayr has not revealed its authorized share capital and total paid up capital. The company’s unique CIN and the registration number is also not available publicly.
The company offers an online fee collection portal designed especially for educational campuses like colleges and schools. It is not known when Feepayr last annual General Meeting (AGM) was held. The company’s last balance sheet date is not disclosed yet.
Sham Somani is currently the Director of the company. Feepayr office is located at Plot no. 214 Swagat Complex Om Nagar Sakkardara, Nagpur, Telangana, India. Their email address is
Sham Somani is the Director of Feepayr.
The current company status for Feepayr is active.
The CIN no of Feepayr is not available publicly.
Feepayr registered office is located at Plot no. 214 Swagat Complex Om Nagar Sakkardara, Nagpur, Telangana, India.
What is the establishment date of Feepayr?
Feepayr was incorporated in the year 2016.
What is the paid up and authorized capital of Feepayr?
The paid up and authorized capital of Feepayr has not been revealed yet.
What type of company is Feepayr?
Feepayr is a private company.
What is the email id of Feepayr?
The official email address of Feepayr is
What is the registration number of Feepayr?
The registration number of Feepayr is not disclosed yet.
What does Feepayr do?
Feepayr is an online fee collection platform for educational institutions. Some of the prominent features of the portal includes automatic fine calculation, scheduling fee payments & more.
What is the company size of Feepayr?
The company size of Feepayr is 1 – 100 employees.
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