Elixir Technologies is the Software Development and Web Designing Company which has built up an impressive list of clients, which ... Read More
Highly Recommended
Overall Score
“I can only recommend this service. Everything went smoothly. Great customer service. For me 5*”
Kaushal Dixit - Aug 28, 2018
“The application has helped me in the efficient management of my LPG Gas Agency without having to face many troubles. It makes it easy for me to keep a note of the Day Cash Sales Summary, my Sales History along with the sales made by my employees. Apart from keeping a record of sales of the day, I can easily manage the Purchase Summary while targeting the Defective Cylinder List and the cash collected from hawkers.
Kasish Singh Shekhawat - Feb 7, 2020
“This software has helped me greatly in upscaling my LPG Gas agency business by setting up a successful supplier plan as per my demands and needs. Additionally, the hawker setup and the customer setup helps me in easily keeping a tab on the monthly quota of the number of cylinders I distribute to my customers. It also helps me to track the amount of LPG pending with the hawkers, thereby preventing the black marketing of the cylinders.”
Vikash Gond - Apr 3, 2020
Kaushal Dixit - Aug 28, 2018
“The Planning and Production feature which helps keep track of the print of the cash received often alters the amount to nearest decimals. It makes it hard for me to generate bills and I have to cross-check the bills every time after printing.”
Kasish Singh Shekhawat - Feb 7, 2020
“I personally find the payment management feature of this software to be very inefficient as it takes quite a lot of time in updating the real-time balance over my account. This reduces the total speed of my operations and hampers my business.”
Vikash Gond - Apr 3, 2020
“I strongly recommend you do use this service.”
PRADEEP SINGH - Aug 29, 2018
“I highly recommend this service. Customer Service was excellent and they saved me a lot of time.?”
Dipak Singhaniya - Sep 5, 2018
“online-inn booking-programming Cloudbeds is a program based property the executives framework that permits property proprietors and chiefs to control each part of their property. Oversee reservations, rate plans, revealing, client audits, messages, and all the more all from one spot.
Prakash Suvarnkar - Oct 4, 2018
PRADEEP SINGH - Aug 29, 2018
Dipak Singhaniya - Sep 5, 2018
“To be honest I was very skeptical at first with the price of the software. After purchasing and receiving the key not once did I have any problems or hiccups, definitely will be using their services again.”
Wasim ShaikH - Aug 30, 2018
“programming window-autoparts-seller the board programming Run your own marked unwaveringness and prizes program where you possess Every one of your information! Web, Tablet, Versatile and PC interfaces accessible
Sweta Saini - Jan 15, 2019
Wasim ShaikH - Aug 30, 2018
“After a few weeks we are able to find the best fit for our company.”
Dinesh Mudaliar - Aug 30, 2018
“programming window-bike fund the executives programming window-online-diary the executives, marking with one of the recommended merchants that was given to us
AVINASH B - Dec 25, 2018
Dinesh Mudaliar - Aug 30, 2018
Elixir Technologies is the Software Development and Web Designing Company which has built up an impressive list of clients, which pay testimony to the high quality, timeliness and value of their work. Elixir Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is an "ISO 9001:2008 certified" Web Design, Software Development, Web development, and Internet Marketing Company based in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. Elixir has created a world with patrons, by providing them with services that met expectations and addressed their business requirements. Elixir offers affordable and professional Web development and Internet Marketing Solutions in India as well as International countries.
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