Dhyaan Softech Private Limited is a private incorporated on 29 May 2015. It is classified as non-govt Company and is registered at... Read More
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“I reached out to Techjockey for some advice on software and hardware. I got quick answers and the companies recommended got back to me very quickly as well. I think this model for finding out about services andsoftware is a sound one for individuals and companies who don't have the time to research every single option in the marketplace.”
Foram - Jul 5, 2017
Foram - Jul 5, 2017
Dhyaan Softech Private Limited is a private incorporated on 29 May 2015. It is classified as non-govt Company and is registered at registrar of companies, Bangalore. It is involved in software publishing, consultancy and supply [Software publishing includes production, supply and documentation of ready-made (non-customized) software, operating systems software, business & other applications software, computer games software for all platforms. Consultancy includes providing the best solution in the form of custom software after analyzing the user needs and problems. Custom software also includes made-to-order software based on orders from specific users. Also, included are writing of software of any kind following directives of the users; software maintenance, web-page design.
What type of company is Dhyaan Softech Pvt. Ltd.?
What does Dhyaan Softech Pvt. Ltd. do?
Is Dhyaan Softech Pvt. Ltd. an Indian company?
What is Dhyaan Softech Pvt. Ltd.’s main product?
Till POS | Nippon Data| E-Vision Systems| Maco Infotech | RSL | Shopxie Omni | eStar Software| Sanguine Software| Prologic First | Zeta|
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