Adapt Software specializes in Microsoft SharePoint and offer products & services for SharePoint customers including Office 365... Read More
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“I ordered a software from Techjockey. I expected it to come in the form of a CD to download. In fact, having queried this, I received a phone call explaining that I would simply have to download a code. Well I did and the downloading process was totally idiot proof. The customer service is excellent and I would recommend Techjockey to anyone.”
Sachet Gupta - Sep 6, 2018
“adjust titan Shockingly, the forces that be say I need to compose more than that sentence about Titans, yet I do really think each part of this show—its tone, its stylish, its story, its topics—come down to the picture of Dick Grayson, the first Robin, Kid Marvel, beguiling vigilante do-gooder, diving a cultivating device into another man's groin.
Vickey - Dec 9, 2018
Sachet Gupta - Sep 6, 2018
Adapt Software specializes in Microsoft SharePoint and offer products & services for SharePoint customers including Office 365 customers. We have worked with SharePoint since beginning of its introduction. With our years of practical experience working with client needs, we´re positioned to assist you in meeting all your SharePoint objectives regardless of the industry you´re in. Our long standing experience on SharePoint backed by trainings and certifications has given us enough insight and has helped clients unlock the full business potential of Microsoft SharePoint. We offer readymade Add-ins for SharePoint and Office 365 that automate your business processes such as Help Desk, Leave and Attendance, Project Management and Online Quiz management. Our SharePoint Add-ins are being used by customers across the globe. We believe that SharePoint Add-ins are the best way to leverage your SharePoint and increase return on investments for all your SharePoint or Office 365 investments.
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Knowify| Systools| Mindjet | Ladybird | COUPA | Ricoh India | Shoviv Software Pvt. Ltd.| RARlab | Adobe| Bullhorn |
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