When & How to Use Tally Shortcut Keys List

When & How to Use Tally Shortcut Keys List-feature image
February 19, 2025 8 Min read

Tally is India’s most popular accounting software due to its simplicity. Accountants prefer Tally over other software because of its user-friendly interface, quick navigation, and easy data entry. These tally shortcut keys play a critical role in the user-friendliness of the software.

When to Use Tally Shortcut Keys?

Tally Prime shortcut keys are those combinations of keys that help you navigate through Tally menus and perform a specific task quicky. These shortcuts keys are helpful when a user wants to do any task quickly without wasting time in going through the usual menu.

Shortcut keys enable users to make quick entries, generate reports, sort, filter, undo, repeat, etc., by pressing one or more keys at once.

Things to Remember While Using TallyPrime Shortcut Keys

  • Combo shortcut keys are supposed to be pressed simultaneously.
  • All the shortcuts can’t be used on all menus. For Example, Selecting Voucher Type shortcut can’t function on Display Screen.
  • Some Tally Prime Shortcut keys have multiple functions depending on the screen and the circumstances in which you use them.

What are Navigational Shortcut Keys in TallyPrime?

Navigation keys help users navigate through Tally Menu and dashboards. Accountants widely use navigation keys to quickly move through different menus and lists, which helps them reduce time and increase productivity.

Navigation key shortcuts ease accountants’ work in Tally by reducing their inputs through the keyboard to open a specific menu.

Here is a list of Navigational Shortcut Keys in TallyPrime:

Shortcut KeyDescriptionWhere to Use
Page UpDisplaying the previous voucherAccounting Voucher Screen
Page DownDisplaying next voucherAccounting Voucher Screen
ENTERTo Accept an entry

To accept Voucher / Master

Enter a menu for more option
Almost all Tally screen
ESCReturn to the previous screen

Dismiss any entry
Almost all Tally screen
SHIFT + ENTERExpand Details

Collapse next details
All Voucher List and Reports Screen
CTRL + ENTERAltering Master on the voucher Entry screenAccounting Voucher Screen

Popularly Used Hidden Tally Shortcut Keys List

Some hidden shortcuts are much popular in Tally. These shortcut keys are used by accountants more frequently than others. These keys help users pass entries and perform repetitive tasks quickly.

Here is the popularly used Tally Prime shortcut keys list:

Shortcut KeyDescriptionWhere to Use
Ctrl + CSelecting cost centerAt voucher type, ledger, cost centers, group, cost categories, etc.
Ctrl + GSelecting groupAt groups/ Cost centres/ Ledgers / Budgets/ Scenarios/ Voucher types of creation and alteration screen
Ctrl + HViewing support centerAlmost all Tally screen
Ctrl + ISelecting stock itemsAlmost all Tally screen
Ctrl + LSelecting the ledgerAcross all voucher screen
Alt + AAdding a voucher to the listIn sales, debit notes, credit notes, and purchase vouchers
Alt + F2Changing the reporting periodAlmost all Tally screen
Alt + UTo retrieve the entry deleted using Alt+RAll reports and Daybook
Alt + LLogging in as a remote Tally.net userDisplay screen of Tally
Alt + F3Navigate to company infoAlmost all Tally screen
Alt + F4Disconnect from Tally.Net serverGateway of Tally screen
Alt + EnterViewing the voucher displayAt Daybook and almost all voucher reports
Ctrl + Alt + ITo import statutory mastersAll menu screens in Tally
Ctrl + Alt + RRewriting data of a companyGateway of Tally screen

Suggested Read: BRS in Tally: How to Perform Bank Reconciliation in Tally

Types of Shortcut Keys in Tally ERP 9 or TallyPrime

There are two types of shortcut Keys in Tally ERP 9 / TallyPrime:

Visible Shortcut Keys in Tally

These shortcut keys are visible on the side and top of the Tally screen. These are often the navigation keys that help the user move from one screen to another screen/dashboard. There are two types of Tally visible shortcuts:

  • One Letter Shortcut Keys/Hot Keys: The are single alphabetic display on the Tally screen that opens a specific ledger or window. It is mainly found on Gateway of Tally and Navigation Menu. It is represented by Bold letters on the menu itself.
tally keys list
  • Standard Tally Short Cut Keys: Single Function keys like F1, F12, F2, etc., are generally used for quick operations and navigation. These are frequently used for date change, company selection, and viewing features.

These visible function keys are either mentioned on the top or right side of the screen. These tally keys might be single underlined, double-underlined, or not underlined at all.

Suggested Read: How to Create Ledger in Tally ERP 9 (Tally Prime)

  1. If the shortcut key is not underlined, you can directly press the key for the specific function
  2. If the shortcut key is single underlined, Alt is the Additional Key to be pressed along with the function key: E.g., F1: Alt+F1
  3. If the shortcut key is double underlined, Ctrl is the Additional Key to be pressed along with the function key. E.g., F1: Ctrl+F1
tally prime shortcut keys list

Hidden Shortcut Keys in Tally

These shortcuts do not appear on Tally’s dashboard or side screen and are generally hidden. These shortcuts are mainly used during operational entries to perform a task quickly. Example,

  • Alt + C: For Instant Master Creation / Instant Group Creation
  • Alt + D: Deletes any Voucher/Group / Master
  • Alt + 2: Repeat the previous entry
  • Alt + A: Adds a voucher
  • Alt + E: Exporting Data on Screen

Suggested Read: What is MIS Report & How to Prepare It [In Tally & Excel]

Tally Shortcut keys List for Selecting Voucher Type

Vouchers in Tally are sets of unclassified entries that pertain to a particular financial transaction. These vouchers contain the description and details of the goods and services acquired in a business, including cost, type, party, taxes, dates, and other information.

Most common type of Tally Vouchers are Sales, Purchase, Receipt, Payment, Contra, and Journal vouchers.

The Tally ERP 9 shortcut keys list to select voucher types are:

Shortcut KeyDescriptionWhere to find them
CTRL + F1Selecting payroll voucherInventory Voucher/Accounting Screen
CTRL + F2Selecting Sales Order VoucherAccounting Voucher/ Inventory Voucher Screen
CTRL + F4Selecting Purchase Order VoucherVoucher Entry Screen
CTRL + F10Selecting memorandum voucherVoucher Entry Screen
CTRL + F9Selecting Debit note voucherVoucher Entry Screen
CTRL + F8Selecting Credit Note VoucherVoucher Entry Screen
F8Selecting Sales VoucherVoucher Entry Screen
F9Selecting Purchase VoucherVoucher Entry Screen
F7Selecting Journal VoucherVoucher Entry Screen
F6Selecting Receipts VoucherVoucher Entry Screen
F5Selecting Payments VoucherVoucher Entry Screen
F4Selecting Contra VoucherVoucher Entry Screen

Tally Shortcut keys List for Passing Voucher Entry

Vouchers are the most frequently used entries in Tally and consume most of the accountant’s time. Therefore, the shortcut for passing Voucher Entry is of prime importance during voucher entry to save time.

Here is a Tally shortcut keys list that will be helpful while passing voucher entry in Tally.

Shortcut KeyTask To be PerformedFunctions on
Ctrl+NOpen calculatorAll entries
Ctrl+AQuickly save the entryDuring any Voucher Entry
Ctrl+VSelecting voucher typesSales/ Purchase Voucher screen
Alt+2Create a duplicate of a voucherLedger/ daybook
Alt+DDeleting a voucher/masterLedger/ Group Screen
Alt+CCreating a master from a voucherVoucher entry screen
Alt+IInserting a voucher entry in between the voucherS Daybook or any list of vouchers
Alt+XCancelling voucher in a list of vouchers/ DaybookDaybook or any list of vouchers
F2To Change Current DateVoucher Entry Screen

Tally Shortcut keys List for Report Generation

Reports in Tally are essential to evaluate your business performance. Customizing reports, exporting data, sorting lists, and applying Tally files are extremely important for business owners, accountants, and auditors.

Here is a Tally keys list users can use during report generation:

Shortcut KeyTask To be PerformedFunctions on
Alt+F1To expand the entries in the reports in detailAll report Screen
Alt+PSend Print Command of a Report/ VoucherAll reports screen
Alt+EExport details in HTML, Excel, or XML formatAll reports screen
Alt+NViewing the report in columnsMost report screen, Trail balance, group summary, Cash/bank books, and journal-register
Alt+RHide the line in a reportAll Ledgers and Reports

Other Most Searched Tally ERP 9 Shortcut Keys List

Here are some of the most searched Tally Prime shortcut keys list (both hidden and visible Tally ERP 9 shortcut keys list).

Shortcut KeyTask To be PerformedFunctions on
F2Change entry dateAccounting Voucher Screen
F4For selecting the Contra VoucherAccounting Voucher Screen
F10To select any Reverse Journal VoucherAccounting Voucher Screen / Ledger / Day Book
F7To select a Journal VoucherAccounting Voucher Screen
Alt + CTo create a master on voucher screenAccounting Voucher Screen
Ctrl+RTo Hide an EntryLedger, Daybook, and Reports
Alt+UTo display all hidden line entriesLedger, Daybook, and Reports
Alt+2Duplicate a Specific EntryLedger, Daybook, and Reports
Alt+F12Apply FilterLedger, Daybook, and Reports
Alt + RRepeat previous NarrationAccounting Voucher Screen

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In Conclusion

These Tally shortcut keys list are essential for accountants, data entry personnel, auditors, and even accounting students. It makes the accounting task more accessible and saves time.

It’s also crucial for freshers and interviewees seeking accountancy job to learn about these tally shortcut keys as they are the frequently asked during interviews.

Suggested Read: Tally Introduction, Features & Specifications | How to Use Tally


  1. What do you mean by F12 shortcut key?

    F12 is a shortcut key in tally that opens the company’s configuration menu. Configuration menu enables users to change major arrays related to company data and transactions.

  2. What is Alt F12 in tally?

    Alt+ F12 is a configuration that helps users to filter reports. This shortcut is mostly used by auditors and accountants while report generation.

  3. What is the use of F11 in TallyPrime?

    F11 is a shortcut that helps in selecting and configuring various functions of a specific company.

  4. What is Alt F7 used for?

    Alt + F7 is a shortcut in Tally that opens the Stock Journal Window.

  5. What shortcut is Ctrl R?

    Ctrl + R is a shortcut in Tally that helps to hide a specific entry or line from the list.

Written by Rajan Rauniyar

Rajan is pursuing CA with a keen interest in trends and technologies for taxation, payroll compliances, Tally Accounting, and financial nuances. He is an expert in FinTech solutions and loves writing about the vast scope of this field and how it can transform the way individuals and businesses... Read more

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