Top 7 Reasons for Schools to Have School Information System

Student information system is a software designed to introduce a structured information exchange environment for students, parents, teachers and administrators in schools.
The solution helps to keep records of the students, store information of the exams conducted, save attendance data, staff data, and all activities carried out by the school.
A school management system eases the administrative tasks as well as student-related functions in a school. It thus meets the requirements of student information management along with managing a school effectively.
Top 7 Reasons to Buy School Information System
Have a look at the top seven reasons that lay stress on having a school information system.
Students’ Records
The most imperative reason of having a school management software is to maintain students’ data right from personal information to parents’ information and emergency contact numbers.
With the help of a school information system schools can easily keep the records of the past years instead of keeping them in physical forms which can be lost or damaged over years.
Admission Management
A school information system enables the schools to build stronger connections with prospects, from their first-time interest in the school to the moment they get admission. Schools can manage the whole admission process right from online registrations process.
No need to keep files for students who are taking admission, a school information system manages everything including keeping photographs of the students in scanned form.
Attendance Management
It is easy to keep record of attendance of students through a school information system instead of traditional registers. School management software also keeps record of the staff’s attendance. Some schools also have biometric system which can be integrated to the software to ensure effective attendance management.
Faculty Management
When your faculty is overloaded with work, its performance declines automatically. The solution lies in getting a school management software with the faculty management feature.
This will help by automating the process of creating teaching schedules. As per the curriculum and the availability of teachers, you will get teaching schedules in minutes.
The faculty management feature also assists in keeping track of your faculty workload and performance. Accordingly, you can assign classes and ensure optimal performance.
Fees Management
Fees management is an important aspect of school functioning. There are various elements of a fees and they are differently charged for different classes. A school information system keeps records of the fees for all the students. It ensures automation of fees transactions and accurate calculation of fees including arrears if any.
Exam Management
Exams are imperative in a school for the students to go to the next standard. Different classes have different subjects and exams are taken of various marks depending upon the subjects. Many exams are conducted during the year including unit test, half yearly exams, final exams etc.
A school management software keeps records of the marks of students, along with categorizing the students who pass or fail. It also enables students to receive their grades via SMS and emails.
Library Management
School information system keeps records of the books issued to students and the date by which they have to return them back. It also keeps records of the fine collected from the students in case of late return. The software eases the task of finding, searching and issuing books for the librarian. It also generates various reports including stock of books, fine collected, new arrivals etc.
Transportation Management
Schools have transportation facility for students who prefer to commute by buses or cabs to the school. A school information system keeps records of such students who avail the transportation facility provided by the school.
The vehicle number, timings of arrival and departure, the areas covered, different transportation fees for different students etc. are recorded and effectively managed by a school management software.
A school information system thus manages students records and information effectively. It handles everything including students and staff records, course management, scheduling etc.
It also displays various reports that help the teachers to get a detailed view of the students and management to take informed decision for the school. A school management software thus provides teachers and administrators with useful tools to automate their daily routine.
It also ensures collaboration among students, teachers and parents to encourage students to take more interest in learning and parents for keeping them updated about everything that happens in school.
Gargee Goswami is a self-confessed bibliophile who loves to write in her free time (the little that she gets). Having vast experience of 6+ years, she counts tea, travel and food as her life's great passions. Read more