Revolutionizing Feedback With 360-Degree Performance Appraisals

Last Updated: June 11, 2024

Imagine you are a movie star and to understand how well you have performed, you wouldn’t just go and ask your director, right?  

You would rather like to get feedback from everyone around you that has probably worked with you. This includes your crew members, co-stars, and your audience.  

Similarly, as the name suggests, ‘360-degree Performance Appraisal’ follows the same approach. Herein, an employee not just gets feedback from his boss but also gets it from everyone in his surroundings. This includes his team members, colleagues, subordinates, and from clients & customers in some cases. 

The basic idea is to get clear picture of the employee performance in a well-rounded manner. 

What is a 360 Degree Performance Appraisal

Think of 360-degree performance feedback like creating a performance portrait from several angles where feedback is not just collected from bosses but also through peers and subordinates.  

It’s more like assembling puzzle pieces to create a comprehensive picture of an employee’s strengths and improvement areas. 

This approach is not only about what one person thinks, but also about collecting diverse perspectives for ensuring fairness and accuracy in the performance appraisal process.  

Through anonymous surveys and questionnaires, you can easily provide a holistic evaluation for your employees free from individual preferences or biases.  

This helps your employees to look at their performance via a multifaceted lens to gain a balanced understanding of their overall performance.  

360 Degree Review vs. Traditional Feedback Processes

Let’s look at the key differences between the traditional feedback procedure and 360-degree performance appraisal below:  

Metrics 360 Degree Review Traditional Feedback Processes
Feedback Sources Managers, subordinates, peers, customers, suppliers, etc. Directly via supervisors or managers
Perspective Feedback comes from diverse perspectives Typically, one-dimensional because it comes from a single source
Bias Reduction Helps eliminate individual biases More susceptible to bias based on single reviewer
Development Opportunities Identifies improvement areas for growth from several angles Growth opportunities are limited due to feedback received from a single source.
Collaboration Promotes a positive collaborative feedback environment May foster a hierarchical dynamic in feedback exchange
Accuracy Offers a clearer and balanced picture May not capture the full scope of performance
Published On: June 11, 2024
Namrata Samal

Namrata is a skilled content writer with an expertise in writing marketing, tech, business-related topics, and more. She has been writing since 2021 and has written several write-ups. With her journey with Techjockey, she has worked on different genres of content like product descriptions, tech articles, alternate pages, news, buyers’ guide, expert reviews, and more. With the knack of writing, she has covered multiple category domains, which is focused on accounting, HR, CRM, ERP, restaurant billing, inventory, and more. Not only that, but she has gained expertise in comparing different software. Being a meticulous writer, she strives to continuously improve, learn, and grow in the career of her writing.

Published by
Namrata Samal

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