7 Ways to Improve Candidate Engagement in Recruitment Process
Shobhit Kalra . November 16, 2023
Megha Sharma has a demonstrated career of working in different industries like eCommerce, retail, IT, hospitability, etc., as an HR. She has been involved in various aspects of HR like drafting employee-friendly policies, strengthening employee relations, recruiting the best talent, etc. Her emphasis is entirely on creating an employee-centric company where productivity and engagement go hand in hand.
7 Ways to Improve Candidate Engagement in Recruitment Process
Shobhit Kalra . November 16, 2023
What are the 7 Types of Communication with Examples
Shubham Roy . July 24, 2023
15 Recruiting KPIs & Metrics to Increase Recruitment Efficiency in 2025
Varsha . March 1, 2023