Running a clinic has been described by many a doctor as something which help them achieve a sense of fulfillment. Through a clinic, a doctor can reach out to a larger number of patients and help them with their medical issues.
While handling patients and providing them with the best care, doctors also have to think of ways to increase revenue. Because, if your clinic is not keeping up with the competition, it’s dying! For a clinic, patient appointments are the primary source of revenue generation.
To increase patient flow, the number of appointments, simply implementing all the right practices and marketing the traditional way will not do much help.
5 Ways to Improve Patient Flow for Your Clinic
From leveraging social media marketing tricks to making use of automation tools like clinic management software, walk-ins can be enhanced in a couple of ways. To make it a little easier, let’s discover the five best ways to increase the footfall of patients in your clinic and improve patient flow.
Get Visible on Online Directories

Companies that use the internet to improve their visibility are able to reach out to a larger and more targeted audience. This helps increase brand visibility. People use the internet to find the most basic things and this trend would work wonders for your clinic too.
Make it a point to get your clinic listed on online directories and search engines. Set up your clinic’s address on Google, Bing, JustDial, etc. where people can discover it easily. Listing your clinic will help in advertising and developing a brand image.
Use Clinic Management System to Improve User Experience
When a patient walks into a clinic, he/she expects right diagnosis with timely treatment, and most importantly, no paperwork or other admin hassles. So, think of making your patients happy from the get-go.
From the moment they make an appointment till the end of the appointment, smoothen every process for them. For this purpose, a clinic management system like Med-E-Nova would come in handy as it electronically generates prescriptions, patient records and billings to prevent the hassles of both patients and clinic administrators.
Additionally, the clinic management software can be used to schedule appointments, send reminders, maintain accounts and blood bank. A hassle-free experience goes a long way in generating positive word-of-mouth publicity.
Suggested Read: List of Best Clinic Management Software in Indian Market
Use Social Media to Reach Out

A large population spends a significant amount of time using social media, and it has become an integral part of the collective consciousness. Facebook is the most popular social media platform globally, with 1.4 billion active daily users. Imagine having the chance to reach out and influence at such a large scale and what it can do for your clinic.
Social media has helped businesses reach out and interact with prospects, advertise their unique propositions and generate leads. Start by creating a business page for your clinic on different social platforms where patients can reach you.
Keep your audience engaged with regular informative posts and build a connection with them. Ask your patients to leave feedback on these platforms and pay heed to what they say, as it can help you figure out ways to improve your clinic reputation.
Network Locally

No matter where you live, there must be some health-related events and seminars being scheduled for the coming few months. Participating in such events, on behalf of your clinic, will help gain visibility on a local scale.
You could use your stall at such events to hand out free clinical advice or check-ups and build goodwill among people. Event networking will not only help build a strong word-of-mouth among the locals but also increase walk-ins to your clinic.
Contribute articles to local newspapers and periodicals on your area of expertise and contact local radio stations to let them know that you’re available for expert opinions. Be assertive and offer help, without waiting to be asked. A helpful attitude is a likeable quality to have for any business.
Sign-Up with Other Doctors/Clinics
Don’t limit your networking to events, newspapers and social media. Reach out to members of the medical fraternity like doctors, pharmacists, physiotherapists, counselors, pathologists, etc. and build a network with them.
That’s because complete patient care often requires the combined effort of various medical professionals at different stages of treatment. If you refer a patient to another doctor for a condition that is outside your area of expertise, you are likely to get some referrals in return.
Not to mention, your patients get a doctor who’s looking out for their interest. If you can create a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment process for your patients, they are more likely to recommend your services to others.
These are just a few ways to increase patient flow walk-in to your clinic. Did we miss something important? Let us know below.
A self-confessed pop-culture enthusiast, he loves everything to do with movies, comic books and travelling. Studied at Christ University Bangalore with a triple major in Journalism, Psychology and English, he has been working as a technical content writer over the last few years. After pursuing MBA from T... Read more